Lowongan KerJa Migas Total E&P Indonesie Oil and Gas Jobs
Job Type :
Contract : Permanent position
Branch : Exploration Production
Location : Indonesia - Jakarta / Balikapapan
Interviews will
take place in : Jakarta
Starting date : As soon as possible
Salary : According to profile and experience
Job description :
- To prepare and present technical dossiers relating to mechanical engineering, in order to assist the engineering manager in co-coordinating the development of a specific Project.
- Assist the DD management team to ensure Compliance with Total Indonésie Safety objectives throughout the life of the project.
- Review and approval of design engineering documents and drawings produced by EPSC Contractors as part of ongoing development projects.
- Review and approval of construction procedures developed by EPSC Contractors.
- Ensure all EPSC Contractors mechanical engineering and related documentation is produced in a timely fashion and in accordance with the project Contract.
- Follow up site engineering queries during the procurement and construction phases of EPSC contracts.
- Provide assistance with inspection issues on and ongoing basis for existing Total East Kalimantan mechanical facilities.
- Provide assistance and input on mechanical issues to Project teams responsible for bid preparation for future EPSC / PO Contracts.
- Review of Contractors proposals for future EPSC project.
Required skills :
Education : Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering
Experience : Have 5 to 10 years relevant experience, esp. in oil and gas industry Skills :
- A level of expertise in a specific discipline mechanical engineering.
- Fluent Written and spoken English.
To Online application click here
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